Week 7 – MKMMA

Usually, I have some idea of what I want to write about but not tonight. I know that I need to have my blog post written by today and so here I am, you get to experience a little stream of consciousness writing today and we’ll see where it goes!

It’s been very interesting trying to complete my mental diet. I am becoming even more aware of my thoughts now than when I was trying to express no opinions. It’s a little shocking even to realize what kind of thoughts I have at times and how little attention I used to pay to them.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve restarted my mental diet but I think it’s getting easier. I’ve had some great tips shared with me: use a mantra, identify triggers for your negative thoughts and prepare ahead of time for them, and I stumbled on one myself… humming a song. I don’t usually swear in front of others but I discovered I do it in my head a lot–especially when I drop my face cream on the floor, or when I step with my socks into a puddle my elderly dog has left on the kitchen floor! Unfortunately, there’s no 7-second rule on swears or outbursts, hence my high restart count… but it’s improving, I swear promise!

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