Some thoughts on Beginnings and Endings:
I related the quote below to the relationship I had with my old blueprint…
Exiting from any long-term relationship comes at
great personal expense, which explains why so many people are understandably reluctant to endure the cost of severance. Beginnings and endings are always dramatic and occasionally traumatic. Youthful brio allows us to engage in transformation. As we age, we carefully weigh the spectacle of continuing enduring harrowing situations or seeking melodramatic renovation of our core being. Analysis of the respectivecost benefit ratio, consideration of the known versus the unknown, can delay or permanently deter us from altering our environment, leading our persona to become more rigid as we mature. Transformations in life are disconcerting to people who resist change.
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
The quote below gives hope…
A bad beginning does not keep you from a good ending.
Matshona Dhliwayo
And this final quote reminds me of the Law of Least Effort, which has been an incredible discovery for me…
Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.
Byron Katie
Something wonderful began for us last September and although the formal part of the MKMMA course is ending, all that we have learned can continue on in our lives and the lives of those we interact with.
P.S. My moth came out of its cocoon on the first day of Spring–just in time for commencement!
It’s all connected. Mothra decided to bless the whole tribe – coming forth from the cocoon after we discussed your last blog post about the metamorphosis that we’ve all been through in the last six months! Good on you, Mothra!
Yes, that was some pretty great timing and I’m so happy that he made it to the final stage of his life cycle! I’m a proud moth momma! 😉