It’s been a busy week and I’m very grateful to have a weekend and then a week off of work to be with my family! Lots of things to do this time of year, and many opportunities to reconnect with family and friends. I enjoy the holidays and at the same time, I’m looking forward to the long, deep breath I’ll take after they are all over with! It will be nice to have nothing more pressing to do than just enjoy having my family nearby in the house, and the prospect of snuggling up on the couch with a hot tea, a good book, and a cat on my lap!

It’s been very helpful this week to have my two stacks of cards to browse through while waiting in a doctor’s office, waiting for a family member to get a haircut, or during a break at work. Normally I might have been a little more stressed out or bored in these situations (or have skipped my break!), instead, I have a reminder of some of my accomplishments, things that I’m thankful for and positive affirmations to brighten my day. I really look forward to using this tool and haven’t found it hard to get two or more sessions in daily!

The readings have been a little challenging this week with the busier schedule but I have persisted! A couple of days they weren’t spread out very far apart due to busy mornings and afternoons, but it felt good to keep true to my commitment no matter what the day brought. Having a mastermind partner really helps too, I think I might have slipped once or twice without knowing I would be reporting in at some point during the day!

Have a very Merry Christmas–it’s practically here!

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