Week 8 – MKMMA

This has been a week of ups and downs (so pretty typical really!). I know I’m becoming more aware of my thoughts, and that’s a good thing. I’m also getting better at using a mantra (the law of substitution) to nudge my thinking back into the positive when it strays.  I had a really challenging day on Wednesday for some reason and just kept thinking to myself “it’s darkest before the dawn”, oddly that helped. I still have a way to go with my mental diet, but the increased awareness and longer stretches of positivity are encouraging!

I have my recording made and look forward to starting to use that with my movie poster during my workouts–synergy! I discovered that I’m pretty sensitive to Baroque music, I could barely read parts of my DMP without tearing up–that was a breakthrough for me because I struggle to add feeling at times–I think the music is going to really help me with that!

Lots of family things going on this week and next, and still keeping up with my daily routine. Totally love scroll II (pun intended), and it’s even more powerful with all the “will”s removed. I wish you a wonderful weekend, and a Happy Thanksgiving if you’re here in the states!

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