Week 6 – Year 2 – MKE: Speak Yourself (REPOST by Matt Hwang)

You’ll really enjoy Matt Hwang’s Week 6 blog post. He had an awesome quote: “… I decided to Slow it up to Speed it up this week.” I love it! There are many studies that show that multitasking is less efficient than focusing on one thing at a time, and Matt’s quote is a really great way to remember that.

Matt also included a link to Kim Nam Jun’s speech at the United Nations | UNICEF. Kim Nam Jun (also known as RM) is the leader of BTS, a world-renowned South Korean boy band–the first non-English artists to get #1 twice in Billboard 200. BTS and the Korean Committee for UNICEF joined forces to promote, #ENDviolence, a global campaign aimed at protecting children and teens from violence and encouraging preventive measures.

The video of Kim Nam Jun’s speech was amazing–many of the things he referred to in his description of his life mirrored MKE concepts and Matt pointed out several of these as well as shared how he related to many of the inspiring messages in the video:

Matt Hwang’s Week 6 Blog Post

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